Private Lessons and Solo/Duo Choreography
Fees (per term)

Private lessons do not include creating Choreography.
It does include dance training, technique development, RAD Syllabus prep, ATOD Syllabus prep etc.
A choreography package includes 3 hours which can be broken down weekly in blocks and various lengths of time to suit both the student and teacher. This package includes individualised choreography, concept, music edited/cut etc.
Cleaning/Polishing/Coaching of Choreography
Once the choreography is complete, any further work on the piece is to be conducted by either the Choreographer or other GWB Studios teaching faculty.
Terms of Choreography
Choreography remains the copyright of GWB Studios and cannot be passed on to third parties.
Choreography entered into competitions must credit the school (GWB Studios Instagram or Facebook) and the Choreographer (teacher from GWB Studios).
Social Media
Any posts and images on social media in relation to the Choreography must credit the school (GWB Studios Instagram or Facebook) and the Choreographer (the teacher from GWB Studios).
Choreography Terms and Conditions
Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before enrolling into Solo or Duo choreography lessons at GWB Studio.
Lesson Enrolment and Payment
• Lessons are not secured until full payment is complete.
• All payments are non-refundable. Refunds will only be made where GWB Studios a session and is unable to reschedule a make-up, or where there is a long-term illness or injury.
Choreography Ownership
• All choreography created during the lessons is owned exclusively by GWB Studios
• Students do not have any ownership rights or claims to the choreography.
• All choreography remains the property of GWB Studios and is not able to be used if a student leaves GWB Studios nor passed on to a third party without permission from GWB Studios.
• Written permission is required prior to any public or competitive performance or social media post in relation to choreography.
• Choreography can only be cleaned, polished, altered by GWB Studios faculty.
• Costumes will be led by the teacher who created the piece and must be sourced and created by the parent/s of the student.
Student Eligibility
• To participate in our dance solo choreography program, students must be enrolled at GWB Studios.
• The GWB Program terms and conditions apply in addition to these Solo choreography terms.
Attribution and Credit
• When performing or showcasing the choreography created during the lessons, students must give proper credit to the choreographer and GWB Studios.
• Credit should be prominently displayed in any public performance, video, or social media posts.
Leaving the Studio
• If a student chooses to leave GWB, they are not entitled to take the choreography with them.
• The choreography remains the exclusive property of GWB Studios
Code of Conduct
• Students are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and professional manner during lessons, rehearsals, and performances.
• GWB Studios will not tolerate bad-mouthing or defamation of students, parents or other dance schools and their students. Foul language, bullying and disrespect will not be tolerated.
Liability and Waiver
• I hereby waive and release all rights and claims against GWB Studios Pty Ltd and its employees, owners, associates and contractors for any damage or injury sustained by myself or my child in classes, on studio premises, during online instruction from home, or at any outside studio event.
• I attest to the fact that I am at least 18 years of age and legally responsible for myself and/or my child. I hereby release the above-related parties from any liability now or in the future.
By enrolling in solo choreography lessons at GWB Studios, you acknowledge and agree to abide by these terms and conditions. Failure to comply with these terms may result in termination of lessons and legal action.

50 Sir Donald Bradman Dr,
Mile End SA 5031
(08) 8361 8888
Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm